Lighten Up in 21 Moves
The virtual world is made up of ones, zeros, power on and power off. Digital representation makes possible mega-speed and grand scale communication. Today’s global village of screens is as exciting and wondrous as it is a heavy burden to the human body. In many movement modalities, such as yoga, martial arts, dance, fitness, the body can return to the fusion of live action, the circle of the seasons and the joy of individuation. In movement, illumination is a process, a cycle, far from instant and rarely a straight line. A life of serious and enduring movement training will not progress by hefty demands and strenuous strides. The great variety most people are searching for in movement is a lightness of the mind and a luminosity of the heart.
Here are 21 moves to warm up the body and cool down the mind. Each movement includes an instruction guide with simple cues, home practice gear notes, anatomy tips, modifications for limited mobility and some holistic health extras. Find grounding in gravity and challenge your focus. Seek to integrate knowledge and choreography with understanding and patience. Let a joyful breezy lightness guide the way forward!
Shoulder rolls.
Sit comfortably or stand to begin. Bring shoulders up by the ears then release shoulders down toward the earth. Roll shoulders forward 3x. Then roll shoulders toward the back body…